ESG for CFOs

This message is Part 2 of a Series dedicated to translating ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) strategies into real business speak.  Find the first installment, ESG for CEOs, here.

Once upon a time, I said that Social Impact would have hit its stride when the CFOs saw it as a tool to help with investment decisions.  It turned out that it took less time than I'd expected.

CFOs are one of the best allies in considering ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) strategies because they were already determining the ROI on this work— they didn't have good information to help justify their decisions.  

So how do CFOs ultimately interact with ESG strategies?


If you're a CFO- the #1 thing you should be doing is thinking about the metrics you'll use to balance Investment and Impact.

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Get it here for free with the code “ESGin23"

Here with you,


ESG for CHRO’s


ESG for CEOs